Say hello to our new API - Legal Information Person

Our newest addition to our API collection makes it possible to process and automate personal data in regards to legal occurrence of individuals. The API is suitable to use in AML/KYC and general risk mitigation processes.

Combating financial crimes

Money laundering is a global issue that is continuously evolving, infiltrating large and small businesses alike. The consequences of failing to catch individual fraudsters can be catastrophic. By integrating and implementing important information, your business can prevent illegal activities and help combat financial crimes.

Save time and minimize risk

Being able to screen and stop potential illegal activity allows for an effective and smooth process that for many years has been tedious. This in turn saves time and minimizes the risk of fraud. For businesses such as banks, the onboarding process needs to be precise and clear from start to finish. The Legal Information Person API enables seamless integration and allows businesses to stay one step ahead at all times.

What can you do with the API?

  • Vet your B2B prospects & customers to avoid fraud

  • Check individuals for smooth B2C onboarding and risk assessment

  • Use legal data to create advanced risk assessment models

  • Save time by reducing the need for manual lookups

  • Enhance any B2C onboarding or KYC/AML processes

Need authorization

The API can be used by organizations and companies which fall under the Money Laundering Directive (5AMLD).

How to find more information

Get in touch with us, our team is always prepared to present a demo of our services to help you get a bigger understandment of how it works.


CEO blog: A recap of 2022


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