New releases: 2022-09-14

We hope you had a great summer and are as excited as we are to be back at work! Here are some of the latest news, features and releases from our product development team: 

Spain - Group Structure API released

We’re excited to kick off the fall with the release of a new API on the Spanish market, Group Structure.

The service lets you deep dive into a group structure, seeing relations between different companies in the group and its ownership.

Sweden - New API version of Population Register 2.0

We are happy to announce that our Population register SE 1.0 - API has been upgraded to a new version. We have implemented  several changes based on changes conducted byThe Swedish Tax Authority.

Denmark - History endpoint API for Board Members 

Enhance your company analysis, get more in-depth board insight by checking historical changes of Board members in Danish companies.


New releases: 2022-10-21


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