A popular breakfast seminar on AML and compliance

Roaring organized an event together with Ernst & Young (EY), Stacc and Signcat. Whilst enjoying a tasty breakfast we mingled together with clients, partners and many more interested at our venue in the heart of Stockholm.

After mingling we kicked off and it was time to talk about compliance, handling risks from a KYC/AML perspective and challenges when identifying your clients. All speakers got a well-deserved applause from the attendees after every speech.

Our much appreciated colleague Lars was one of the driving forces behind the event.

– It’s so enjoyable to meet both customers and interested individuals in person, beyond the computer screen. It’s evident that within several industries, the value of KYC is being recognized, and in the financial world, there’s a discussion about the importance of thinking beyond regulatory requirements, says Lars Åsén.

Together with Stacc, Signicat, and EY, we organized a highly appreciated event featuring excellent lectures while our guests indulged in a delightful breakfast. This event guarantees that there will be more types of events from Roaring in the future, so keep an eye on our channels!

We are very grateful for all the positive feedback that we received from our attendees and partners. A special thanks to Stacc, EY and Signicat who made this event possible.

Stay tuned for more events to come and do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions regarding the event itself or our views on KYC/AML.


Roaring’s look is evolving – our promise stays the same


Even better than expected: Roaring visits Penningtvättsdagarna