The modernized Norwegian population register

Have you made the switch yet?

The Norwegian population register (FREG) is modernizing, requiring users of its information to adapt and connect to the new version before October 1st 2022.

Here's all you need to know about the modernized population register and how it affects your business.


The Norwegian Population Register (Folkeregisteret) contains information about every individual that is or has been a resident of Norway. As of 2020, FREG has been modernized, enabling organizations to collect population register data from FREG directly, without having to use the previous distributor through tax authorities (Skatteetaten). This has also opened up for new suppliers to be able to provide smart integrations to FREG.

The modernized population register

The modernized population register includes some changes that have been sought after by users for a long time, including:

  • Paper-based changes are replaced by ongoing electronic updates

  • Manual case processing is replaced by automated case processing

  • The time between an event occurs, is recorded and updated - reduced from days and weeks to minutes and seconds

  • Personal information is provided in a standardized format

How does this affect you?

The previous distributor agreement that Skatteetaten held, will expire on October 1st, 2022. Meaning, all who want to continue to use the information from FREG, are required to switch to new solutions, by integrating directly to FREG or using approved suppliers.

So for those who want to make sure they have the right data on their Norwegian customers or prospects going forward, it is time to make the switch!

Roaring can help you get started

As Skatteetaten decided to update and modernize their population register, Roaring has become a trusted partner as a supplier of data. In relation to this, we've released a 2.0 version of our Norwegian Population Register API, in order to ensure cohesion with the updates made to the register.

With Roaring as a supplier of Norwegian population register data you get:

  • Assistance with new applications and permissions.

  • A modern API solution, easily integrated to your systems.

  • A web app for manual search and data collection, to use while developing and beyond.


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