Our Data

Bank accounts

Enhance your verification and risk process by leveraging our cutting-edge open banking connectivity. Securely access your users’ bank account information.

  1. Smarter lending, verification, and financial management.

  2. Check individual or business client accounts with ease.

  3. API that connects you to over 2,600 European banks.


About the information

How does open banking work?

Open Banking and bank account data, mandated by PSD2, allows customers to securely share their bank account and transaction data with authorized Third-Party Providers (TPPs). This sharing is facilitated through APIs, enabling TPPs to offer innovative financial products and services. With Open Banking and with consent from the end user, you can grant access to individual and business bank account information, including balances and transactions.

It opens up a wide variety of innovation regarding bank and finance services, as well as a strong method to mitigate risk,  more accurate credit analysis and account data that is up to date. The data cannot be manipulated, since transactions balances, account numbers etc, come straight from the bank system.

Open banking with Roaring

No screen scraping or hacky workarounds. Our partnership with Enable Banking (a licensed AISP, GDPR compliant company) facilitates access to over 2 600 banks, over designated APIs distributed directly from the banks.

We provide the possibility to:

With consent from your clients, check individual or business client accounts with ease.

  1. A list of individual or company accounts with bank details and IBAN.

  2. Account info and balance.

  3. Transaction data including date, merchant, description and amount.


We are improving our services and will soon add transaction data for each account, so that you can make better decisions based on transaction data and improve your risk mitigation further.

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